Tuesday, March 3, 2015

True Love Makes You Wait

Have you ever felt you are weakened by love? If you have felt so, be sure, that's not your feeling, that's your thought. Love never makes you weak, rather it makes you strong.

Hey, once again, I am not talking about love between a boy and girl. I am talking about the love only, the love, which can be between anyone and anything. Being a scienvce student, I define love as a bond which gives stabilty in life. Look! What gives strength to you is your determination and love makes you determined. Love is goal and way both. You move towards it but it is the path itself.

Love makes you focused and resilient. I have seen, read and heard many people frustrated when their relationship ends. I say relations never end. They only change form. What, if you don't get your beloved one? You cry? Or, you end your life? What you think, how much valuable is your life? The life isn't only for you and your girl/boyfriens. It's for your family, friends, relatives, society, nation, world and nature too. You have responsibility towards them as well. So would you like to finish your life for what you could not achieve? Can you be such level of selfish? No. Friends, life is priceless gift from nature. So let nature decide, when to end your role in this play. True love doesn't make you such coward and weak to take such decisions. True love makes you wait and wait.

True love gives you way to smile on your friend's success. A true lover dedicates his whole life for his/er friend. She/he wouldn't like to see tears in his/er friend's eyes. He/she has always a handkerchief to wipe out tears from his/er friend's eyes. True lovers are soulmates. Their souls are bound to each other. A bound soul can never detach, whatever happens in life. Remember, your friend's happiness must be everything for you, if you love him/er truly.

People argue that marriage is the climax of love. I say, no. Love is climax of love. Marriage is a social compromise, which has conditions set by your family and society. But, love is free of conditions. A true love does not set demands and expectations. It just belives on caring and sharing. What's mine is her and what's her is mine, whatever that is, either pain or gain.

People say, love is complicated. No, its always a simple task, if it is true. If you trust each other, then nothing and no one in the world can separate you. You may be a distance apart but you area always there with your friends and she/he with you. True love doesn't demand physical existence. It's true you feel uncomfortable if your friend isn't with you. But a true love gives you that strength to cope with such situation. It gives you patience but passion in compusorily present. Passion is the craze that you have towards him/her.

You feel, you can't live without him/her. But I am sure, true love makes you wait. You will be waiting days, months and years, waiting and waiting. A little pain is there but you can never hurt him/her, I guarantee. If separation from you is best for him/her, I am sure, you will be able to bear the pain of separation. True love gives you strength of that level. The life is gonna turn to  painful decades, but, my friends, you will always smile, when you find your love is happy. There is no chance to be  jealous in that case.

But, how to find true love? Don't search for it, it will find you yourself, if it's in your fate.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Guys, lets start with a common question, what's love? 

There may be many sophisticated, romantic, philosophical or practical definitions of love. Science defines it as action of hormones in human body. Social science defines it as a relation to function society. If I ask the question to a boy or girl, their eyes will speak not their mouth. Love is everything for them. Love is life for them. But they really dont know, what love is. In fact, they don't want to know, what that thing is. What they just want is, to be lost in the world they build themselves. And, when they are inturrupted by the society or family, they sometimes take very hard irreversible decisions. spending time on mate's lap worths trillions for them. Chattering to each other, they can spend hours. For such small things of happiness, they can sacrifice those things, which are very important from their family's and society's eyes.

How much important is love for life. Some people consider it as a nonsense feeling that develops due to certain chemical imbalance in body. Lovers accuse them of being stone hearted, who are anxious for what they haven't achieved. Is love important as much as basic necessities like food, water, shelter and clothes? Or, it is more than them? Is it need of mind or game of heart? Heart doesn't think at all. Lovers and romanticists have given the hypothetical responsibility to heart to love, since, love is important as much as heart for them. Even the people, who take love as unnecesary gupshups fall in love unknowingly. Then, they sit on a bench of rose garden alone, smile gently on their previous thoghts, which were not their feelings.

When talking about romance between a boy and a girl, how can one forget the bond between a son and his parents. How can he/she forget relation between him/er and his/er family. You are fond of your pets. You like someone or something. You cry when your dearest thing goes from your life. So, love can not be published in one editiion. It has several versions. There are several manifestations. One can love to have feeling, love materials and people. Forget not, like is also foundation of love. Love can not be developed without liking. You like something, you have embedded some love into it.

Love is infinite, indefinite and uncountable. It's more than other abstract nouns. Hate is another side of the same coin. Like there is no importance of light without darkness, love has been prioritized over hate.