Sunday, August 12, 2018

An uninvited guest of midnight

Rented room of mine, here in Baglung, has been turned out to be a small ecosystem, where I remain as a keystone species. Today, a frog also migrated in a rainy night of August into my room. It was a dark colored amphibian having slender body. I was watching wrestling in youtube, turned off all the lights. A sudden jump of a creature above my body almost fainted me. 

It could be one of the mice, whom I explored almost a week ago in my kitchen rack. But mice usually don't jump, my common sense says. I turned light on and saw, an almost 4 inch long creature was stuck on wall of my room just above a pile of books. 

I had never seen such a frog, which could adhere on walls. In my village, central Nepal, two types of frogs are common, one swims in water is small and another, big, rough, dark, not good to look usually loves dry. 

But this was different. This had 4 fingers on forelimb, which had adhesive disk on their fingertips, with help of which it stuck on the wall successfully. Moreover, it has longer, and more stretched and stronger hindlimbs, with help of which it could make long leaps. It seems as if it is flying.

It is a marvelous creature. When I tried to chase it out of my room, it was stubborn. 

I wasn't in situation to host some more guests, because a herd of mosquitoes, sand flies, cockroaches, spiders and other smaller insects are already inhabiting this place.Sometimes, some rats come and disturb the peaceful environment.

Oh beautiful frog, you can come again to meet me, but don't bring snakes behind you.!